
Schedule a 30-minute complimentary Mentoring Consultation to see if this program is what you have been looking for to achieve the success you desire.

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Mentorship Program
This Mentorship Program is a path to understanding the connection between your emotions, physicality, and soul. We work together to unlock your roadblocks and create an action based self-practice of discovery, acceptance, and growth. As a Mentee you are committing to deep inner work, embracing vulnerability, fostering joy as you discover your unique abilities and incorporate them into all aspects of your life. We are intuitive healers of ourselves first and then in our relationships whether personal or professional.

The primary goal of mentorship is to help you reach your full potential and achieve your goals. As a Mentor I provide guidance, encouragement, and constructive feedback to assist you in conquering the struggles and roadblocks keeping you from reaching your desired goals, bringing you fresh insights and perspectives learned from my own experiences.

Are you looking for an accountability partner to assist you in reaching your goals, uncover your purpose and build a path forward in real time?

All Mentorships are based on your individual journey with a commitment to growth and self-discovery. I am an entrepreneur at heart with a unique perspective of what it means to function and prosper outside of the box of normalcy. Owning and operating three different businesses over the last 30 years has led to a deeper understanding of myself and what it takes to create fulfillment not only professionally but most importantly personally.

I started working part-time at the age of fourteen in a medical clinic after school, weekends, and summer vacations until I graduated High School. The doctor I worked for offered to pay for me to go to nursing school with a guaranteed place in his practice during my education and after graduation. After my first year I realized that nursing was not for me, but I did have a strong desire to help others. It was a difficult decision to quit what was a certain path to success with generous help and expectations from others. It ended up being the beginning of many choices that did not make sense to others which has led me to where I am today loving my work helping others find their own unique path in life.

That initial decision led me to a 35 year accounting and business consulting career which included working in a large corporate accounting department with no previous accounting experience, starting and building a successful house cleaning business as I studied and received my accounting degree, earning my way from staff accountant to junior partner to full partner in a tax accounting practice, then starting a successful Life Empowerment Coach/Energy Intuitive business which is still growing.

I successfully built and sold my interests in both of those businesses, which has enabled my continued financial independence. This proven experience is the backbone of my practice and how I effectively help you achieve results.

I believe that we are on a continuous path of healing and growth. The greatest tool I have to offer as your Mentor is my experiences of success and failure and the knowledge gained that informs my present-day perspective of neutrality. This gives permission to dig deeper without judgement, making way for a path forward. Knowledge is power! We gain it by slowing down, getting curious and removing the judgement of ourselves and from others so that we can feel as well as see with clarity.

My proven experience brings:

Creating and building structures to optimize maximum profits and productivity for individuals and businesses

Tools to build work/life balance

Resource building – Wealth, Health and Happiness

Active Manifesting to create and put into action a life plan that aligns with your Core Values

Achievable goals, active listening, effective communication with empathy, patience and
understanding of the process.

Offerings available, although not limited to:

*Deepening Intuitive Connection and Integration in your Professional Development
*Breaking through roadblocks that keep you from moving forward whether in your personal or professional life
*Business Development – create a business plan that allows for abundance in all areas of your life
*Resources – breaking your roadblocks with creating abundance in resources (health, love, money, happiness, relationships and so much more)
*Active Manifestation – we manifest through action. Envision it and make it happen. Practical tools to bring this practice into all aspects of your life.
*Breaking Habits and Patterns and creating new pathways that align with your Core Values
*Deepening your healing practice – personal and/or professional
*Reiki as a personal and/or professional practiceStudy of the physical, mental and emotional body and how it influences our choices. Building a relationship with your intuitive self and how to embrace your unique ability to facilitate energy movement with yourself and others.

Program Commitment and Cost:

Mentorships are tailored to your individual goals with an established plan for success that
includes flexibility and accountability. Growth rarely happens in a straight line and your success requires a commitment to yourself and the life you want to live.

Monthly –
Basic $350 – one 90-minute session, one 30-minute check-in, assignments for accountability

Intermediate $455 - two 60-minute sessions, one 30-minute check-in, assignments for accountability

Intensive $675 – weekly 60-minute sessions, assignments for accountability

**All programs are month to month with the flexibility to move from one to another depending on your goals and action plan.

Schedule a 30-minute complimentary Mentoring Consultation to see if this program is what you have been looking for to achieve the success you desire.

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